1. Cmdse CLI

1.1. Synopsis

cmdse [-i|-c|-e] QUERY…

The default behaviour of cmdse is to process QUERY… operands and print the best-matched command snippets.

A QUERY operand is a word witch is evaluated either as a query selectors or a query literals.

Listing 1.1 Example with a program query selector and two query literals
$ cmdse :tar extract files

1.2. Options

-i, --interactive

Launch interactive shell mode.

-c, --copy-first

Copy the first result command snippet in the clipboard.

-e, --execute-first

Launch interactive mode and prompt the user if he wants to execute the first command snippet found with the joint query. For any command parameter, the user will be prompt to provide an input.

1.3. Examples

Listing 1.2 Query matching literal sequence “tar unpack”
$ cmdse tar unpack
tar -xvf [resource-path.tar.gz]
V3: Unpack and extract the content of the compressed archive located in
[resource-path.tar.gz] to the current working directory.

tar -C [target-path] -xzf [resource-path.tar.gz]
V3: Unpack and extract the content of the compressed archive located in
[resource-path.tar.gz] to [target-path] directory.
Listing 1.3 Query matching all snippets using “docker” utility executable
> cmdse :docker
docker run -it [container] sh
(V10>) Run shell in the [container] in interactive mode.

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
(V10>) Remove all containers which status is exited.

docker ps -a
(V10>) List all existing containers.

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
(V10>) Stop all running containers.

docker rmi $(docker images -q -a)
(V10>) Remove all existing images.
Listing 1.4 Query restricted to “docker” utility executable matching literal sequence “remove all containers”
$ cmdse :docker remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
(V10>) Remove all containers.

1.4. Target platform requirements

Target Platform Posix

The cmdse command line tool targets modern Linux-GNU distributions with 3.X and 4.X kernels.

Target Terminal

The cmdse command line tool should be compatible with the following terminals:

  • Any modern terminal emulator, such as xterm, konsole, GNOME terminal
  • Linux virtual console